
  • House Interior Design
    • Measurements of the House
      3$ per sq.m

      Measurements of premises measuring 50 sqm and larger are conducted using a laser 3D scanner.
      If the property is located in rural area the additional traveling expencies should be added.

    • House Interior Design Full Project

      The complete process of a house interior design project, from start to realization, typically involves the following stages:

      1. Initial Introductory Meeting

      During this stage, we will introduce you to our working principles and collaboration conditions. We will showcase examples of our previous work, including design projects, cost estimates, reports on author's supervision, and specifications. We will also present our construction management system and discuss the specifics and requirements of your property. Here, we will agree on the design and implementation timelines, as well as the overall project budget.

      2. Contract Signing

      Each service block is documented in a separate contract, specifying the cost and timeline for the work.

      3. Site Measurements

      We conduct photographic documentation and 3D scanning of the premises to obtain accurate data for the design process.

      4. Project Brief Compilation

      We have a detailed meeting with you to discuss your preferences and lifestyle. Here, we agree on the room layout, furnishings for each space, and your preferences for materials, manufacturers, colors, textures, and the overall atmosphere.

      5. Development of Layout Solutions

      We develop several plan options in accordance with the technical brief and specific requirements of the property. Together with you, we select the best option.

      6. Development of 3D Visualization for the Main Space

      We create a 3D visualization of the main space, typically the kitchen-living area. The objective is to provide you with a complete understanding of the space and the proposed design ideas. During the presentation, we explain the concept and its details.

      7. Development of 3D Visualizations for Other Spaces

      Based on the approved design solutions for the main space, we proceed to design all other rooms. We present and finalize the designs with your input.

      8. Preparation of Technical Drawings

      Once all 3D visualizations for the spaces are approved, we create a detailed set of technical drawings, including dimensions, annotations, and extensive comments for the contractors. We meticulously work on joints, connections, and complex material details.


      • Partition layout plan (if applicable).
      • Floor plans.
      • Ceiling plans.
      • Lighting fixture layout plan, lighting outlet connections, and switch plan indicating lighting groupings.
      • Placement plan of electrical sockets and electrical outlets with geometric dimensions.
      • Furniture placement plan.
      • Wall elevations with tile layout.
      • Custom-made item specifications (custom furniture).
      • Staircase finishing drawing (if applicable).
      • Schedules and specifications for finishes (materials, doors, floors, ceilings, partitions, plumbing fixtures, lighting, etc.).

      9. Author's Supervision

      This stage starts together with the construction based on our design project.

      10. Procurement

      This stage starts together with the author's supervision.

      Items marked with an asterisk () are covered by separate contracts as they pertain to the implementation of the design project rather than its creation.

      To receive a DISCOUNT on a house interior design project, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Architectural Design
    • Architectural Design an Individual Residential House
      30$ per sq.m

      Designing an Individual Residential House

      Designing an individual residential house involves a comprehensive approach to creating a unique space that meets the needs and tastes of its future residents. The goal of the design is to create a cozy and functional home that combines comfort and aesthetic satisfaction.

      The development of any architectural building or structure is divided into 2 stages:

      I. Conceptual Design Stage:

      This stage includes:

      1. Floor plans (furnished layouts)
      2. Simplified sections
      3. Simplified elevations
      4. Conceptual 3D visualization
        These drawings serve as the basis for Architectural Solutions and Construction Solutions sections.

      II. AR and KR Sections (Architectural Solutions and Construction Solutions):

      Architectural Part:

      • Explanatory note
      • Assembly floor plans
      • Marking floor plans
      • Roof plan
      • Sections
      • Elevations
      • Material schedules, specifications, details

      Construction Part:

      • Wooden Structures (KD) Section:
      • Roof truss plans
      • Material schedules, specifications, details, sections
      • Reinforced Concrete Structures (KZh) Section:
      • Foundation plan with specified projections
      • Reinforcement plan
      • Details and sections
      • Material schedules, specifications
      • Floor slab plan
      • Reinforcement plan (for monolithic or precast-monolithic slabs)
      • Strip footing plans and sections
      • Material schedules, specifications
        The project does NOT include engineering sections such as electrical supply, water supply, sewage, etc.

      To order the design of an individual residential house, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Supervision Under Construction Works
    • Per Month
      500$ per month

      The task of author's supervision is to solve problems during the construction process. We address construction issues and questions through the following methods:

      1. Regular site visits by the project author throughout the contract period or remote inspections using modern communication tools. The number of visits is determined by the Contractor based on the stage of work but does not exceed 2 visits per month, each lasting up to 2-3 hours.

      2. Consultations with the Client, responsible individuals, or Contractors engaged by the Client for specific tasks, such as engineering projects, as well as monitoring compliance with the design project requirements. Any communication regarding the design project with related parties involved in engineering projects, adjustments to the design project for engineering networks.

      3. Necessary communication with the site foreman (builder), including phone consultations regarding the design project (discussions related to all provided drawings).

      4. Monitoring the accurate implementation of decorative elements.

      To learn more, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • One-Time Site Visit

      A one-time site visit is a single service that involves author's supervision and consultation at a construction site.

      To request this service, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Procurement
    • Remote Procurement
      20$ per sq.m

      Remote Procurement for Construction Projects

      Remote procurement for construction projects involves assisting in the procurement of selected finishing materials, lighting, plumbing fixtures, and furniture in collaboration with the client. The appearance of these items is determined by the interior design project. The scope of the remote procurement project includes schedules and specifications with the article numbers of the selected products.

      Remote procurement for construction projects includes:

      1. Searching and selecting items for procurement and preparing the final document - Procurement Estimate with Suppliers' and Manufacturers' designations (20$/sq.m).
      2. Monitoring the procurement process and controlling the delivery of the procured items (500$/month)*.
      3. Decoration - selection of art objects (paintings, sculptures), porcelain, and tableware (price to be negotiated).
      4. By availing this service, you can benefit from discounts provided by suppliers and partners, thereby saving up to 30% of your budget. As we handle all the business correspondence and communication with suppliers for procurement (invoices are issued by suppliers and manufacturers), the client only needs to accept the goods at the construction site. The responsibility is evenly shared between us under this arrangement.

      Procurement monitoring is conducted within the framework of a construction schedule prepared and approved by the client and contractor. Procurement monitoring means that the goods will be delivered to the construction site when they are needed since there is usually no storage space available for purchased construction materials and furniture at the construction site.

      To request or inquire about the service, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Consultation
    • Hourly Consultation
      Free of charge

      Hourly consultation by phone, WhatsApp, Skype about the studio's services, the process of providing them, what is included in the design project, what is included in the procurement, and the author's supervision. Discussion of the studio's projects, the goals they had, and how they were achieved. Answering the client's questions related to the conversation topic (about projects, services, design).

      To request a consultation, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Two-Hour Consultation
      100 $

      Two-Hour Consultation with an Architect-Designer via Phone, WhatsApp, Skype

      This consultation provides the customer with answers to their questions. The customer should prepare their questions in advance for the meeting. The topics of the questions can include, for example:

      Discussion of floor plans provided by the developer before purchasing.
      Consultation on specific topics such as lighting, finishing materials, construction techniques, mounting principles, furniture selection principles, etc. Hand-drawn sketches by the architect can be provided to the customer.
      Consultation on remodeling questions (what is permissible, what is not).
      Oral recommendations on interior design, wall finishes, room decoration, etc.

      To request a consultation, please fill out the FORM for feedback.

    • Consultation with Drawing

      Consultation with Drawing: Technical Brief Questionnaire

      For a consultation with a drawing, the client is required to fill out a technical brief questionnaire. Based on this questionnaire and our conversation, the designer will prepare three layout options with furniture arrangement. Please note that these materials are preliminary sketches and are not suitable for construction purposes. The service includes one revision of one of the options. Depending on the size of the apartment, townhouse, or house, it takes approximately 2 to 4 days to create the three layout options with furniture arrangement.

      To order this service or for more information, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Apartment Interior Design
    • Apartment Interior Design Full Project
      60$ per sq.m

      Apartment interior design full project from start to implementation includes the following stages:

      1. Initial introductory meeting

      At this stage, we will introduce you to our working principles and collaboration conditions. We will show you examples of our work, including design projects, estimates, reports on author's supervision, and specifications. We will also present our construction management system and discuss the project's specifications and unique features. Here, we will agree on the project's design and implementation timelines, as well as the overall budget.

      2. Contract signing

      Each service block is formalized with a separate contract specifying the cost and deadlines for the work.

      3. Measurement of the property

      We conduct photo documentation and 3D scanning of the rooms to obtain accurate data for the design.

      4. Project briefing

      We hold a detailed meeting with you to discuss your preferences and lifestyle. Here, we agree on the room layout and furnishings, as well as your preferences for materials, manufacturers, shades, textures, and overall atmosphere.

      5. Development of layout solutions

      We develop several layout options based on the project specifications and property characteristics. Together with you, we select the best option.

      6. Development of 3D visualizations for the main room

      We create a 3D visualization of the main room, typically the kitchen-living area. The goal is to provide you with a complete understanding of the space and all proposed design ideas. During the presentation, we explain the concept and details.

      7. Development of 3D visualizations for the remaining rooms

      Based on the approved decisions for the common area, we design all other rooms. We present and finalize them with you.

      8. Creation of technical drawings

      After the approval of the 3D visualizations for all rooms, we create a comprehensive working package that includes all necessary dimensions, alignments, and extensive comments for the implementers. We pay meticulous attention to joints, connections, and complex material assemblies.


      • Layout plan for erected partitions (if applicable).
      • Floor plans.
      • Ceiling plans.
      • Lighting fixture placement plan, light point connections, and switch plan indicating the grouping of light fixtures.
      • Placement plan for electrical outlets and connections with geometric dimensions.
      • Furniture layout plan.
      • Wall elevations with tile layouts.
      • Specifications for custom-made items (bespoke furniture).
      • Reports and specifications for finishing materials, doors, floors, ceilings, partitions, plumbing fixtures, lighting, etc.

      9. Author's supervision

      This stage starts concurrently with the construction based on our design project.

      10. Procurement

      This stage starts concurrently with author's supervision.

      Items marked with an asterisk () involve separate contracts as they pertain to the implementation of the design project rather than its creation.

      To receive a DISCOUNT on an apartment interior design project, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Measurements of the Apartment

      Measurements of premises measuring 50 sqm and larger are conducted using a laser 3D scanner.
      If the property is located in rural area the additional traveling expencies should be added.

    • Layout solutions
      10$ per sq.m

      Layout solutions

      are a preliminary plan scheme that shows the arrangement of furniture and the layout of walls.

      Based on your goals, preferences, stylistic ideas, and the provided technical specifications (through a questionnaire), layout solutions and furniture placement plans will be developed. Several options of layout solutions (3-4) will be created.

      The options will be discussed with you, and a finalized version will be developed, which will serve as the basis for further project development and 3D space modeling.

      To request this service, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Referencies and 3D modeling
      25 $ per sq.m

      In parallel with the development of layout solutions, it will be necessary to finalize the style. After that, references to the layout solutions, images of proposed actual furniture placed on the plan, lighting, design techniques, etc., will be selected. Once the furniture placement and references are approved, 3D renderings will be prepared for the premises.

    • Collage
      15 $ per sq.m

      Collage Development - 2D Image for Interior Style and Color Combinations

      We offer collage development services to provide you with a visual understanding of the interior style and basic color combinations.

      Collage development involves creating a 2D image that showcases the desired interior style, incorporating various design elements, textures, furniture, and color schemes. This collage serves as a reference point to help you visualize the overall aesthetic and ambiance of the space.

      To order this service or request more information, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Working Documentatuion
      30$ per sq.m

      The working project consists of the following:

      1. Partition plan (if applicable).
      2. Floor plans.
      3. Ceiling plans (including the arrangement of light fixtures, ventilation grilles, smoke detectors, etc., provided that engineering projects are provided and being developed).
      4. Finish plan or Finish schedule.
      5. Lighting fixture layout, lighting point connections, switch plan indicating the grouping of light fixtures.
      6. Placement plan for electrical sockets and electrical wiring with geometric dimensions (assignment for the development of the Electrical Systems section).
      7. Furniture layout plan.
      8. Drawings of custom-made products (individual furniture).
      9. Schedules and specifications (finishing materials, doors, floors, ceilings, partitions, lintels, etc.).

      If you wish to order the design, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Elevations
      10$ per sq.m

      Wall elevations are graphical representations of walls laid out in a two-dimensional plane, allowing you to visualize the structure and configuration of a room in a flat view. They can be used for interior design, furniture arrangement, space planning, and other purposes related to interior design and architecture. Wall elevations can be created manually or with the help of computer-aided design and interior modeling software.

      To request this service, please fill out the C FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Hotel Interior Design
    • Hotel Interior Design Full Project
      50$ per sq.m

      Hotel interior design full project typically consists of the following stages:

      1. Introductory Meeting

      At this stage, we identify the project stakeholders, assign responsibilities, explain our working principles, and show examples of our previous work. We gather information and analyze the project requirements, discussing your specific needs as the client. We refine the design brief, agree on the project timeline, and establish the budget.

      2. Contract Signing

      Each service block is documented in a separate contract, stating the cost and timeline for the work. The technical design brief is included as an obligatory attachment to the contract. We commence work upon receiving the necessary input from you, which may include floor plans, building surveys, measurements, etc.

      3. Site Measurements

      If measurements haven't been previously provided as part of the initial data, we can perform precise measurements of the premises using a 3D scanner and photographic documentation. The cost of the hotel's full design project does not include the cost of site measurements, which are considered an additional service.

      4. Development of Layout Solutions

      We develop several plan options with furniture and wall arrangements, taking into account the technical requirements and specific characteristics of the property. Together with you, we select the most suitable option.

      5. Concept Design

      The concept design phase includes developing the overall design concept, creating a color palette, selecting materials, and producing sketches of the spaces. We create 3D visualizations of key areas, such as guest rooms, bathrooms, corridors, and the reception area. The objective is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the space and the proposed design ideas. During the presentation, we explain the concept and its details.

      6. Development of 3D Visualizations for Other Areas

      Based on the approved design solutions for common areas, we proceed to design all other spaces within the hotel. We present and finalize the designs together with you.

      7. Preparation of Technical Drawings

      Once all 3D visualizations for the areas are approved, we create a detailed set of technical drawings, including dimensions, annotations, material specifications, and equipment details.


      • Explanatory report
      • Floor plan
      • Ceiling plan
      • Consolidated ceiling plan indicating ventilation grilles and other engineering terminations (provided engineering projects)
      • Lighting fixture layout plan
      • Switching plan indicating lighting groupings
      • Wall elevations with decorative elements, tile layout, and material quantity specifications (excluding furniture)
      • Interior finishing progress report

      To order a hotel, resort, or any other accommodation interior design project, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Landscape Design
    • Working Documentation
      150$ per 100 sq.m

      The working documentation consists of:

      1. General plan.
      2. Layout drawing.
      3. Landscape plan.
      4. Planting and assortment schedule.
      5. Planting plan.
      6. Paving plan with pavement details.
      7. Lighting layout with grouping of lights.
      8. Explanatory note.
        The minimum cost of the project is 1000$.

      To order the design, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Additional Drawings for Landscaping Project

      Additional Drawings for Landscaping Project

      Within the scope of additional drawings for a landscaping project, you can order:

      Development of a micro-landscape "rock garden" or "rockery" (assortment selection, planting plan scheme, calculation of material quantities and consumables, approximate quantity and arrangement of stones and boulders) - starting from 45$ per square meter.

      Development of flower beds, borders, mixed borders - starting from 30$ rubles per square meter.
      Vertical layout project + earthworks cartogram - starting from 450$.

      Retaining walls project with a schedule of construction and finishing materials - starting from 230$.
      Sketch project for a fence (basic stylistic solutions, dimensions, without material schedules, attachment and installation details, without electrical equipment diagrams and schedules for security systems, video surveillance, remote access, etc.) - starting from 230$.
      Sketch project for water structures, including hand-drawn sketches with the concept of the waterfall and pond shape, cross-sections with elevation marks, a plan with the arrangement of water intake and discharge points, a concept scheme for pond and waterfall lighting with underwater and above-water fixtures - starting from 800$.
      Bridge project (plan, cross-section, foundation details, suggestions for railings, material schedule) - starting from 250$.
      Project for a canopy-firewood shed with space for garbage bins and automatic watering system tanks - 240$.
      Projects for other small structures, children's playgrounds, greenhouses, etc. - by agreement.
      Drainage system project - starting from 300$.
      Stormwater drainage project - starting from 300$.
      Visualization of the project in 3ds Max software - starting from 280$. It is also possible to create a video walkthrough of the site separately.

      A) In addition to the stormwater and drainage system, it is highly recommended to design an automatic watering system. This system is designed by the equipment supplier and installer. Upon the client's request, I can supervise the work on the automatic watering system project within the context of the landscape project for free.

      B) It implies the subsequent technical project prepared by the fence, gate, and gate producer company, along with all the supporting systems.

      C) External specialists, such as concrete or liner pond specialists, water structure equipment specialists, and servicing system installers, are involved in the pond drawings. The participation of these specialists in the design is not included in the specified pond cost and is paid separately.

      If preliminary surveys are required (geology, topographic survey of the area, etc.), specialists of the corresponding profiles are involved. Their work is paid separately.

      To request the service, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Landscape Design Project
      450 $ per 100 sq.m

      Landscape Design Project

      Landscape design is the art of organizing the surrounding space through the use of greenery and decorative elements, creating a beautiful and comfortable living environment where architectural and natural forms complement each other.

      The landscape design project or territory improvement consists of:

      I. Concept Proposal
      Two options for landscape design sketches.

      II. Working Documentation

      1. General plan.
      2. Layout plan.
      3. Dendroplan (planting plan).
      4. Planting schedule.
      5. Planting plan.
      6. Paving plan with pavement details.
      7. Lighting scheme with light group distribution.
      8. Explanatory note.
        The cost of this section is 10,000 rubles per 100 square meters. The minimum project cost is 55,000 rubles. If only the first part, the Concept Proposal, is ordered, the cost is 10,000 rubles per sketch. If the working documentation is ordered, the concept proposal is provided free of charge.

      To place an order or request a consultation for this service, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Restaurant Interior Design
    • Restaurant Interior Design Full Project
      50$ per sq.m

      Interior design project for a restaurant consists of conceptual and drafting parts.

      1. Initial Meeting

      At this stage, we identify the project stakeholders, distribute responsibilities, introduce you to our working principles, and show you examples of our work. We also gather information and analyze the project tasks, discussing your requirements as the Client. Here, we begin to refine the technical specifications, agree on the project timeline and your budget.

      2. Contract Signing

      Each service block is formalized by a separate contract that specifies the cost and completion timeline of the work. The technical specifications are a mandatory attachment to the Contract. We start working upon receiving the initial data from you, which may include floor plans, building surveys, measurements, etc., depending on the project.

      3. Site Measurements

      We can take measurements of the restaurant premises using a 3D scanner and photo documentation to obtain accurate data for the design if measurements have not been previously taken and provided as initial data. The cost of developing a full interior design project for a restaurant does not include the cost of measurements. Measurements will be an additional service.

      4. Development of Layout Solutions

      We develop several plan options with furniture and wall arrangements, following the technical specifications and peculiarities of the space, and choose the best option together with you.

      5. Restaurant Interior Concept - Sketch Design

      The restaurant interior concept includes the development of conceptual solutions for the decoration of the dining area, its exterior appearance, interior style, creation of a color palette, material selection, and creation of 3D sketches of the premises. The goal is to provide you with a complete understanding of the space and all the proposed design ideas. During the presentation, we explain the concept and its details.

      6. Refinement of the Restaurant Interior Concept

      Based on your feedback, we make changes to the sketch design and refine the areas that were not previously shown in 3D. We present and finalize it with you.

      7. Development of Drawings

      After the approval of the 3D visualization of all the premises, we create a working package that includes all the necessary dimensions, references, material specifications, and equipment.


      • Wall and partition plans (and other structural elements) with sanitary and technical device references.
      • Ceiling plan with lighting fixture and terminal engineering device references (if engineering projects are available).
      • Furniture layout plan with specifications.
      • Floor plan with flooring installation.
      • Wall finishing plan.
      • Wall decoration details.
      • Summary plan for additional power outlet placement (on the furniture plan).
      • Drawings of individual interior elements (bar counter, hostess stand, etc.).

      Discounts on design services are provided for large restaurants (over 100 m2), depending on the technical specifications. Fill the FORM to get more details. Additionally, depending on lease holidays, we can expedite the design process to 1-2 weeks.

  • Cafe Interior Design
    • Interior design project for a cafe
      40$ per sq.m

      Interior design project for a cafe consists of conceptual and drafting parts.

      1. Initial Meeting

      At this stage, we determine the stakeholders of the project, distribute responsibilities, and introduce you to our working principles. We showcase examples of our work. We also gather information and analyze the project tasks while discussing your requirements as the client. Here, we begin to clarify the project brief, agree on the design timeline, and establish your budget.

      2. Contract Signing

      Each service block is documented in a separate contract, specifying the cost and timeline for the work. The technical brief is an essential appendix to the contract. We start working after receiving the initial data from you, which may include floor plans, building surveys, measurements, etc., depending on the project.

      3. Site Measurements

      If the measurements were not previously provided as initial data, we can conduct measurements of the premises using a 3D scanner and perform photo documentation to obtain accurate information for the design. The cost of developing a full interior design project for a cafe does not include the cost of measurements. Measurements will be an additional service.

      4. Development of Layout Solutions

      We work on several plan options, including furniture and wall layouts, based on the technical brief and the specific features of the space. We collaborate with you to select the best option.

      5. Cafe Interior Concept - Conceptual Design

      The cafe interior concept includes developing conceptual solutions for the cafe hall, its exterior appearance, interior style, creating a color palette, selecting materials, and producing 3D sketches of the spaces. The goal is to provide you with a complete understanding of the space and the proposed design ideas. During the presentation, we discuss the concept and its details.

      6. Refinement of the Cafe Interior Concept

      Based on your feedback, we make changes to the conceptual design and refine areas that were not previously presented in 3D. We present and finalize the design together with you.

      7. Development of Drawings

      After the approval of the 3D visualizations of all spaces, we create a working album that includes all the necessary dimensions, references, material specifications, and equipment details.


      • Wall and partition plans (and other construction elements) with sanitary fixtures' placement.
      • Ceiling plan with lighting fixtures and terminal engineering devices' placement (if there are engineering projects).
      • Furniture layout plan with specifications.
      • Floor plan with flooring installation details.
      • Wall finishing plan.
      • Wall decoration details.
      • Consolidated plan of additional power points (on the furniture plan).
      • Drawings of custom interior elements (bar counter, hostess stand, etc.).

      Depending on the project requirements, discounts on design services are provided. Fill out the contact form to learn more. The interior design development typically takes one calendar month. Considering rental breaks, we can help you open the cafe in 1-2 months by compressing the design process to 1-2 weeks.

      Please fill the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

  • Office Interior Design
    • Office Interior Design Concept
      25$ per sq.m

      Office Interior Design Concept

      The concept of an office interior design project involves providing several layout options and visual representations (images) that illustrate the future interior. Not the entire office is visualized, but rather specific areas (the composition is agreed upon with the client). Typically, this includes one room from each functional zone, such as an open space area, office, meeting room, or reception.

      The concept of an office interior design project serves as the foundation for creating a unique and comfortable working environment. It encompasses several stages, starting from analyzing the business objectives and client's needs, and culminating in the development and approval of the final design.

      The main goal of the design is to create a functional and ergonomic space that meets the business requirements and provides comfort for employees. Additionally, the office design project should align with the company's brand identity and enhance its image.

      The design tasks include developing layout solutions, selecting color schemes and materials, creating lighting solutions, and choosing furniture and decor. It is also important to consider the ergonomics of workstations and create comfortable relaxation areas for employees.

      KPD.Design, an Architecture and Design Studio, specializes in developing concepts and designing office interiors, taking into account the client's needs and creating unique and functional spaces. The team of professional designers and architects at KPD.Design closely collaborates with clients at every stage of the project, from inception to final implementation, to ensure the best possible result.

      A full office interior design project consists of the Concept and the Working Project for Construction.
      We offer discounts on full office interior design projects. Please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

    • Technical Design of An Office
      50$ per sq.m

      Sometimes there is a need for a technical (simplified) office design or any other real estate design (Architectural Solutions) which includes:

      1. Furniture layout plan (test fit) with dimensions for further development with suppliers.
      2. Demolition plan.
      3. Installation plan.
      4. Ceiling plan with lighting (ceiling types specified: Armstrong, grid, suspended gypsum board; luminaire types: pendant, recessed, surface-mounted for further lighting calculation and supplier selection).
      5. Floor plan (using ceramic tiles, carpeting, PVC flooring in simple layouts without custom designs or other ideas).
      6. Socket and switch plan.
      7. Wall finishing schedule (finishing types: wallpaper, painting color 1, painting color 2, ceramic tiles, plaster, panels).
      8. Additional drawings can be added/removed in the technical project (summary ceiling plans, custom furniture drawings, branding wall layout), and the cost will vary accordingly.
      9. The technical project is created based on a strict technical specification provided by the client, which includes the purpose, capacity of required spaces, and the necessary set of furniture and equipment.

      The technical project serves as an instruction manual for the Contractor, allowing them to estimate the costs and commence construction without unnecessary questions to the client. In other words, the technical project is a transfer of the client's technical specifications onto drawings for the building Contractor.

      Offline/online meetings with the client are charged separately.

      For large offices (over 500 m2), discounts are provided based on the technical specification. Fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

      To request a technical design project for your office, please fill out the FORM for feedback.

    • Working Documentation for Office Design
      20$ per sq.m

      The working project for an office consists of the following:

      1. Partition plan (if applicable).
      2. Floor plans.
      3. Ceiling plans (including the arrangement of light fixtures, ventilation grilles, smoke detectors, etc., provided that engineering projects are provided and being developed).
      4. Finish plan or Finish schedule.
      5. Lighting fixture layout, lighting point connections, switch plan indicating the grouping of light fixtures.
        Placement plan for electrical sockets and electrical wiring with geometric dimensions (assignment for the development of the Electrical Systems section).
      6. Furniture layout plan.
      7. Drawings of custom-made products (individual furniture).
      8. Schedules and specifications (finishing materials, doors, floors, ceilings, partitions, lintels, etc.).

      To order a working project or for consultation, please fill out the FORM for feedback.
      To learn about the prices and scope of the service, click HERE.

How we work and get paid:
For clients who choose to settle the full amount upfront, we are delighted to provide a 10% discount
Signing the contract and preparing the technical specifications (50% advance payment)
developing layout solutions, selecting materials
developing layout solutions, selecting materials, ighting, plumbing, furniture, and 3D modeling
creating construction drawings for construction and installation works (40% advance payment)
printing albums (payment of 10%)
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